We provide AI Based Solution to all types of Medical problems. We make Efficient Deep Larning Algorithms that can diagnose and make effective prognosis without human intervention.
Our AI models have more then 80% accuracy
Models are being trained on more the million global images
Models are being trained on more the million local images from HolyFamily, Aga-Khan, many more...
*can increase the chances of survival by 5-years
*Reference: AJCC 8th Edition
Product Description
Major Benefits
With our cutting-edge deep learning technology, doctors always have access to high-precision quantitative reports of CXR findings.
AI helps radiologists spot lesions faster, with an explainable heatmap. Plus, automated prioritization surfaces urgent cases for immediate review. Overall, 2X faster turnaround time.
Strengthens diagnostic confidence even when understaffed. Maintain high quality of care with instant insights thanks to the power of AI.
Seal the diagnosis with a stamp from a certified radiologist, right from the interface. Human-in-the-loop design that your patients can trust.
Best AI Solution for Mammography in entire Pakistan
The combination of first-reader radiologists and Tashkhees AI detects more breast cancers, than the first-reader.
General radiologists can improve their reading performance up to a breast-specialist-level.
Example Cases
Hospitals, Laboratories, Companies, startups, universities and governmental institutions love AI diagnostic idea and Tashkhees product.
"This is an excellent product, the documentation is excellent and helped me get things done more efficiently."
"I found solution to all my design needs from Creative Tim. I use them as a freelancer in my hobby projects for fun! And its really affordable, very humble guys !!!"
"Great product. Helped me cut the time to set up a site. I used the components within instead of starting from scratch. I highly recommend for developers who want to spend more time on the backend!."